Meet Symphony Space’s new Executive Director — Kathy Landau

A chat with Kathy about her love of the arts, family sing-alongs, classic films, color coding, and more.
How were you first introduced to the arts?
I was fortunate to grow up immersed in the arts — my parents were independent film producers (The Pawnbroker, Long Day’s Journey into Night) and great advocates and supporters of the arts in general. My house and life were filled with music, dance, theatre, literature, and film, and I was exposed to an extraordinary array of great artists, venues, and works throughout my childhood.
Other than leading a vibrant arts institution such as Symphony Space, what do you do for fun?
We host a lot of parties — movie nights, sing-alongs, concerts, etc. We invite people from all parts of our lives, and it is a joy to see the intersections and bonds that have developed over the years.
What author/book has had a lasting impression on you?
I return to E.B. White time and time again. White wrote two of my most treasured books: Charlotte’s Web, which holds a special place in my heart because I adored it as a child and then grew to love it all the more when reading it to my children, and The Elements of Style, which holds a special place on my bookshelf as it has been my go-to-guide and constant companion since I was first learning to write.
What are your top three favorite films of all time?
It’s so difficult to pick just three, but I would have to say…

…And, I have a secret (now not-so-secret!) passion for big budget, rough-and-tumble, Hollywood action films.
What would most people be surprised to learn about you?
The books in our home are arranged by color rather than by topic or author. For me, it is the perfect system, but you can often hear one of our children calling out something along the lines of, “What color is The Catcher in the Rye?!”