Just Kidding : A letter from our Director of Performing Arts Programs

I really like all the families that come to the Just Kidding series here at Symphony Space, but I’m scared to tell them.
That said, I spent HOURS this summer creating a mixtape on cassette that I could send them all, anonymously, to let them know how I really feel. Say what you will about CDs — apparently no one owns a cassette deck anymore. Global warming, lack of cassette decks (or any hi-fi components), Taylor Swift pulling her music from Spotify… the world is a harder place than I remember from my idyllic youth.
But because I couldn’t bottle my feelings any longer, I chose to forego anonymity and put together a season of shows that I know will appeal to you and your families on a variety of levels (I’m so vulnerable right now, it’s painful, but I couldn’t help myself).
There are shows EVERY weekend from October through the end of March, and each one is of the highest possible quality — something I know you and your families expect.
Like a good mixtape, there’s a variety of stuff for you to discover and love (and endlessly interpret and analyze until late in the night when you have work/school/etc. to get up for early the next morning).
There are favorite classics we’ve shared together before (Justin Roberts, Elizabeth Mitchell, Gustafer Yellowgold)…

…some entirely new things to impress — nay, woo — you with (Vered and the Babes, Steve Weeks, Red Yarn), amazing puppetry that I’m struggling with a metaphor on how to fit into the context of this open letter, thereby showing my vulnerable side (The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow, Cardboard Explosion, The Snowflake Man)…

…and some super innovative shows that will totally blow your minds (Galumpha, Lightwire Theatre, Playing By Air, Les Parfaits Inconnus)! And that’s just a few!

Click on the links to learn more, and come out and see the shows. Your relationship means a lot to me.
(choose one)

Darren Critz
Director of Performing Arts Programs
Symphony Space